Monday, November 30, 2015

Scottish Banter

It's been a while since my last blog post and I'm sorry on keeping you waiting! I have been here in the beautiful city of Edinburgh for around 3 months now! Which is hard to believe, it feels like I have only blinked my eyes and now I'm here. I'm glad to share that I have become familiar with city life. I feel confident on the bus, My walking shoes have been put to very good use, and I been able to get some what comfortable with being in a congested area. In hindsight my transition has been actually pretty smooth, besides the usual mistakes of moving to a new place this included getting on the wrong bus or even better getting on the wrong train, getting lost and not having my smartphone to save me. There are things I do miss of home. Like What-A-burger (especially the honey butter chicken biscuit), Tex-Mex (I could go on about food so to cut to the chase I miss food... not saying food here is bad but its not the same), I miss football, I miss the feeling I get when I'm driving in my truck down a old FM road with the window down blasting my music (Not because I like loud music, but so I could hear it over the wind) with one of those Texas sunsets, that I can't even describe, off to my side. And of course I miss my family (Hi mom!) and friends!

But besides all the things I miss of home I still feel, in a different kind of way, like I'm home here in Edinburgh, specifically at Bethany House. Like I have said in previous posts the staff and residents at the house made me feel welcomed. The biggest way they made me feel at home here is a thing called "Scottish Banter" or in other words giving each other a hard time. Now if you know me well then you know I love to give people a hard time, Not because I don't like people, but actually for the opposite reason because I love them. Now the Scottish have mastered this art and if your not trained in this form of communicating you will get your feelings hurt, you will think that people don't like you or be confused as to why people would talk to each other like that. The beautiful thing about it is everyone as a different way they play the game. Now I like to think I play fairly, can be a little cut-throat at times, but for the most part I play fair and I can hold my own. Which, for the most part I have held my own. I will admit that I have "lost" or a couple of time been lost for words (Usually has something to do with the news of whats going on back in the States, but that's for a different post for a different time). But overall I have held my own. Now for some back at home or others reading this you might find this fact that, partly the reason why I feel at home here is because people make fun of me, is just a little weird. Let me explain the best I can. When i'm on the picked on or (winded up is what they say here) it lets me know that they notice me and in a strange sense that they care. It is the same way that comedians get a way with making jokes that normally people would be disgusted with or think it's inappropriate, and if you think that the comedian doesn't care about what they are making a joke about then you are sadly mistaken. It is also a way for me to check my own ego to know that I'm just a small piece in this world that God has created, But that I am still loved and important!

For those who don't know this is the beautiful
Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit... Your welcome!