Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A game of Pool.

Let the countdown begin! I have little under a month till I return to Texas. On a daily basis my cravings for queso, Whataburger, Texas sunsets, BBQ, tex-mex, Texas country, two stepping, pickup trucks, Blue bell ice cream, and football season (just to name a few) go up. Guy Clark said it best in his song Baton Rouge "Life is like a cul-de-sac, I'm a Texas boy and I'm going back". Now I don't want it to seem that I hate Edinburgh or Scotland. Every time I'm on the bus, or the train, I'm still amazed by how beautiful it is here. The fact that if I look up, doesn't matter where I am in Edinburgh, I can see this big castle.... Like when I look up when I'm at home I see the sun and this time of year in Texas you hate the sun with a passion. I was also lucky enough to experience my first Ceilidh. Which was pretty awesome. Which is like country line dancing. It was a rather enjoyable evening after I learned the right steps of course.

 I've come to realize that I will miss this place more than I thought I would. I will miss the fact that I can take a bus or go for a walk to another part of Edinburgh and it feel like I'm in a totally different city. I will miss all the green of the trees and bushes. I will miss going to a pub and there not be any loud music and the random dude in the corner with his dog just chilling while his owner finishes his drink. I will miss the my co-workers and mangers (Shout out to Paul) and all the other lovely people I have met through Bethany Christian Trust, who have all have had a huge positive impact on my year here in Edinburgh.

One thing I will miss the most, that I've recently realized, is playing pool. Every night at the House the pool room is open and sometimes I'm able to go down their with the residents and play a couple of games with them. I have had to really pick up my game since arriving here in Edinburgh. I thought I was decent until I started playing at the house against the residents and lets say it was a very fast humbling experience. These games of pool have become more than just a game for me. They have become a place of escape. These games can vary in the setting. When there are a lot of people in the room it is a time for everyone to talk and to crack a couple jokes while they wait for their turn on the table. Some times their are only a couple of people down their. This can lead to a little more serious talks or just the usual bantering with each other and offering each other tips. Then sometimes their is only one person who wants to play. These moments can be a sacred time. Sometimes the resident and I just play in silence has we try to either focus on what is happening in the game or just being lost in our own thoughts. Other times the resident will share with me stories of their past and allow me to share in their pain or in their joy. The conversations can vary from faith to past experiences to something that is going on in the present. Over a game of pool is just one of the places where I have seen and felt God's presence this year. Over a game of pool I can be offered a small window to see into the lives of the people I'm serving this year, of lives that are totally different than my own.  Over a game of pool my faith has been tested. Over a game of pool I have laughed. Over a game of Pool I have almost shed a tear. Over a game of pool I have found an escape from my own pain and worries. Over a game of pool I have found peace.

Alasdair and I at the Ceilidh. He is wearing a more traditional outfit than myself.

Here is one of my favorite songs of all time. It is called Stuff that Works By Guy Clark
Who sadly passed away earlier this year. He was known for being a story teller by the lyrics in his songs.

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